40-50 kg CUSTOM
Optimist Mainsail


VAT Excluded
Panel design and positioning in the bottom part ensures higher stability of the sail shape (even in heavy winds). First Semi-Custom sail within 40-50kg range

The sail number(s) will be printed on the sail using a dark gray color.


After year of vast research, fine tuning and continuous organized testing in different conditions and setups we can confirm that CD DRS is highly performing sail in all conditions in both – reaching and downwind for the weight range of 40-50kg.

CD DRS sail has already shown a great performance in numerous regattas including Optimist European Championship 2024 -by winning last 2 races it took a 4th place overall in combination with the CD Sails Mast and  Italian Optimist Optimist Championship winner. 

Special features of DRS semi-radial model

Combination of radial and horizontal panels offers all the advantages of radial designs without loosing winning features of horizontal panel construction.

  •           The radial design in the bottom part helps to avoid deformation of the sail shape in the critical areas of major pressure.  Carefully studied panel positioning assures the greater stability of the shape even in the hard wind conditions. 
  •           Being more stable in the foot area the sail responds better to the regulation of the foot.   
  •       Higher durability  
Customization within suggested range of 40-50 kg

Design particularity allows us to focus on the individual needs of sailor.   We are able to provide the  optimization of the sail for the sailor's weight. 
Sailors should be in the indicated range of 40-50 kg with possibility to optimize the sail when the weights are close to the minimum or maximum limit in the range (40 or 50 kg.)

Suggested with    
  • Medium sprit (we suggest the sprit that is not too flexible)
  • CD Mast   -> check out CD MAST HERE   or other medium masts


Not sure about the sail that fits you best?