CD Sails performance clinic in YC Monfalcone -  3 days before regatta Optimist Gold Cup with TOP coaches and experts-  Pavlo Dontsov, Santiago Lopez, Claudio Demartis, Marcello Meringolo.

CD SAILS ACADEMY  July – 9-11  in YC  Monfalcone  -  3 days before regatta Optimist Gold Cup

The know-how acquired during the whole off-season in Miami, Greece, Athens, Spain and Thailand will be at the disposal of the athletes during the 3 days of clinic.
Amount of places is limited.

In CD Sails academy edition you will have 3 intense days of performance training where our TOP coaches and technicians will work with both- individual sailor needs with specific exercises in the small teams and improving racing skills with group exercises. We always strive to provide a personal attention and targeted work with each sailor.

For Who:

Medium  and  High level with racing experience

When: 3 training days  9-11 July 

(before  Optimist Gold Cup regatta in YC Monfalcone from 12-14 July) 


The clinic will take place in YC Monfalcone (Via Bagni Nuova, 41, 34074 Monfalcone GO) - same location of Optimist Gold Cup. Plenty of green areas & easy to reach from highway

Coaches & Experts:   

Pavlo Dontsov, Santiago Lopez,  Claudio Demartis, Participation of Marcello Meringolo

Pavlo Dontsov: Internationally recognized Optimist coach of Ukraine team and one of the last year’s most titled sailor Sviatoslav Madonich. His team has taken the highest podiums and victories in all the most important international regattas.

Santiago Lopez: One of the most experienced  coaches  working with many talented and  recognized sailors. Master’s degree in Sport Science, currently head coach  of the Helsingfors Segelklubb (Finland).

Claudio Demartis: Owner of CD Sails, founder of Olimpic Sails. Sailor of many successes at a national and international level, winner of 3 world championships. Sail making  experience  of more than 40 years,  vast technical knowledge of Optimist sailing equipment

Marcello Meringolo:Optimist coach since 1998 and currently coach of the Italian National Team which is one of the most winning team in international competitions over the last years. One of the best coaches in the Optimist class landscape.

Work Program:

The know-how acquired during the whole off-season in Miami, Greece, Athens, Spain and Thailand will be at the disposal of the athletes during the 3 days of clinic.

- Boat handling in Upwind and Downwind and their limits in terms of fair sailing;
- Maneuvers in different conditions and styles, movement analysis;
- Racing against top level sailors.

Day 1 Topic - Boat handling
9.00 – 10:15 meeting at the sail loft (Via consiglio  d’Europa 41, Monfalcone,  singular building in steel & glass, in  grey colour with curved  roof) Presentation of the program,  introduction & technical lesson

After the technical   lesson  sailors to be brought to  YC Monfalcone  (Via Bagni Nuova, 41, 34074 Monfalcone ) to leave sailors there for the further   work.

10.45 meeting at Yacht club Marina di Monfalcone and first Briefing  and  lesson
12.30-16.30 Sailing Session
16.30-18.00 Debriefing

Day 2 Topic - Maneuvers
9.00 meeting at YC Monfalcone – Briefing
9.30-12.00 Lesson
12.30-16.30 Session + races
16.30-18.00 Debriefing

Day 3 Topic - Starts
9.00 meeting at  YC Monfalcone - Briefing
9.30-10.30 Lesson
11.00-15.00 Session + races
15.30-17.00 Debriefing
17.00 closure with clinic winner prize  & ice cream :)

Work Organization:

Each training day consists of trainings in water (approx.70%) and the classroom lessons with videos (approx.30%).  Coaches will give clear indications and instructions about the main focus points and exercises of each day.

For the water sessions sailors will be divided in the groups according to their improvement areas/ experience level to assure the maximum personal attention to every sailor as well as group exercises. 

The days will be full of 8.30/9:00 until 18.30. 

We will communicate the exact schedule and  hours closer to date. 

During one of the 3 days will be organized the 2 hours session in the sail making factory. Sailors will have a chance to understand why and how the sail models are different, what are the factors affecting the sail performance in various conditions, how to  choose the right  Optimist equipment and get a maximum performance out of it.  


The lunch will be included in the price. Depending on the planning of the day and weather conditions, we will foresee lunch on the shore or pocket lunch in the water. 

If you have any food intolerance, we kindly ask you to make sure you have your appropriate food with you. 

Optimist charter  boats:

Fully equipped charter boats (except sail) are available for the booking . Amount of available boats is limited, please, make sure you  book in advance. 

Contacts for the charter boat booking, availability and prices  : 

Massimo Giorgianni: +39 328 452 5731  Pavlo Dontsov: +380 93 807 9428



You can check out the  list of accommodations having collaboration with YC Monfalcone for regatta Optimist Gold Cup



450 Eur (all taxes included) for the event of 3 days with lunch included.
Participants will have a possibility to order the sail with 20% discount specially reserved for the CD Acad-emy (valid only for the sail deliveries during the Academy) . In this case please note in the registra-tion form the need for 'coaching+sail' and we will manage the order and preparation of your sail accord-ingly.


Registration and payment

Click here to fill the registration form Registration Academy 9-11 July 2024

The registration will be valid after we receive the payment confirmation. The payment confirmation can be uploaded already in the registration form or sent to the within 1st of July.

Payment details: 

SAILINGLAB s.s.d. ar.l.
Via Battisti, 21 , Muggia (TS) , Italy
P.IVA: IT 01391890322
IBAN: IT55J0306909606100000194096


For booking & more details: 

Email, call, whatsapp... whatever solution you prefer- we are here  for you  ;)
+ 39 327 7310725


Regatta Optimist Gold Cup: 

Registration for regatta Optimist Gold Cup  that proceeds  CD Academy can be done according to the  indications in


! Important additional notes

- Regatta coaching during the racing days  is not included and can be agreed  separately with a coach of interest. Contact coaches directly  to agree about regatta coaching: 

Pavlo Dontsov: +380 93 807 9428

Snatiago Lopez: +39 329 852 7359

- All boats must have a valid insurance and medical  certificate.

-For  organizational  and insurance  reasons ,  the   participation fee also  includes the  subscription of  each participant in Csen ( Italian Sports Education Association).  The  subscription  in  Csen lasts 1 year, it is important for the correct organization  of the sports events in Italy  and also offers the additional insurance  coverage for  incidents during the sports activities in the event.